All posts by Trisha Y Roberts

Content on anything I find interesting. From the creator of podcast - Trish Y. Roberts. It is mostly separate content to Vegan Trove podcast. Please join my Youtube site, my substack for regular updates but please also join this site here. Thanks :)

My Thoughts: Conspiracy and Apocalyptic Industries

Many conspiracy theories have turned out to be real false flag events. It’s great that social media and online information has lead to an awakening for some that their governments lie to get us into wars for resources and hegemony, but for some of us, the prevalence of conspiracy theories online has become an industry, a business, and a major distraction as there is no plan of action, just emotional porn / violence porn and a frenzy. And many of these talking heads on YT and elsewhere who make great mileage out of these apocalyptic and conspiracy theories are almost always white folks. These white pundits seem to mostly obsess over the mass killing of white people whilst appearing to ignore the tremendous violence done to brown people by US empire and western allies. What does that say about us? What does it say that our concern is limited to the killing of white people, but millions of brown people being murdered by our governments barely makes a blip on the radar for us? How much evidence do we need that the MSM is worse than useless but in fact dangerous, and that governments lie? All governments lie. In fact it’s legal for US empire to put out propaganda, to the public.

As empires fall, distraction becomes paramount. Bread and circuses. Many of the more outrageous conspiracy theories are intended to keep us distracted, to keep us enthralled, to make us feel like we are “clever”, that we cannot be fooled. And many are intended to swamp REAL “conspiracy theories” that warrant closer scrutiny. It’s good that people do open source investigations, but it’s also problematic if we live for the next massacre and we make mileage out of it, whilst ignoring the very real issues of 3 black people in the US being murdered each day by the state, or the ongoing expanding imperialist white supremacist wars lead by US empire.

US empire is falling and along with it controlling the narrative is desperately important. Let’s not be obsessed with the next white terrorist. Let’s focus on things we can change. I make some suggestions on some positive actions we can take to benefit others.

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Veganism: Speciesism, Sentience and Rights [Livestream]

In this livestream I talk about single issue campaigns. And that includes campaigns which call for an end to some forms of animal use. These campaigns are almost always linked with building ties with animal industry. I will talk about why SICs are, by their very nature, problematic, and speciesist, and at best pointless. And you might like to check out my livestream from a few weeks ago, “Humane”: What’s in a Word” before watching this livestream. I thought I would share this as a livestream, this essay, because I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss any of the points made in it. So I hope you don’t mind. I talk about rights, and about sentience, why it matters and how it is important in relation to our recognising nonhuman animals as moral persons. And when I say moral persons, I simply mean animals are not viewed as a “thing”.


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Animal Sentience: It’s Almost Impossible to Ignore, and Yet We Do

Animal Sentience: It’s Almost Impossible to Ignore, and Yet We Do. [Livestream on Real Progressives on Facebook]

I share some images (not graphic) which I discuss. I talk about dairy industry, the egg industry, animal experimentation, sentience and more. I hope you enjoy it.  Please real my disclaimer in relation to organisations, groups, individuals etc mentioned


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The Importance of Being Vegan

My livestream today on Real Progressives. I speak on the issue of “factory farming” and our focus on treatment of animals and why this is problematic. I was a little distracted but I think I made my point. I also share an essay about the importance of being vegan. I hope you enjoy it 🙂

Here’s some resources:

Freedom’s New Frontier: A Guide to Animal Rights

Humane”: What’s in a Word

Organic” milk

Watch Cowspiracy The Sustainability Secret: The Full Documentary Free Online

The Myth of Eco-Friendly Animal Products

Vegan: Easier than you think

Legal Slavery in the 21st Century

Apocalyptic Capitalism, Animal Agriculture and Anthropogenic Climate Disruption (ACD)

Vegan: A Better World for All of Us

Animal Cruelty Who is to Blame?


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Margaret Kimberley (Black Agenda Report) on White Supremacy, US imperialism, & much more

I had the pleasure of speaking with Margaret Kimberley from the Black Agenda Report which is a wonderful social justice resource. Margaret speaks about white supremacy, US imperialism, the Black Misleadership Class, the Green Party, the war duopoly, why the 2nd amendment was really intended for, Obama, HRC, and much more.


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Tradition, Guns, Mass Shootings, Our Inconsistency of Our Notion of nonviolence

My livestream “Traditions, Guns, Our Inconsistency of Our Notion of nonviolence.” I tie in veganism with the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas, and the wars waged against brown people overseas for resources & hegemony. I cover many issues including the Port Arthur massacre that happened in Australia and the subsequent action by the Australian government. Many issues. I hope you find it interesting. Please subscribe to my channel and my blog and share 🙂

For more information:

“Humane”: What’s in a Word

“Organic” milk

Watch Cowspiracy The Sustainability Secret: The Full Documentary Free Online

The Myth of Eco-Friendly Animal Products

Vegan: Easier than you think

Legal Slavery in the 21st Century

Apocalyptic Capitalism, Animal Agriculture and Anthropogenic Climate Disruption (ACD)

Vegan: A Better World for All of Us

Animal Cruelty Who is to Blame?

 951 total views

Our Thoughts: Elon Musk and Near-Term Colonisation of Mars

My guest Dede is a biologist, scientist, synecologist. We speak about Elon Musk’s recent talk (see video in info section) on his plans to colonise Mars by 2024 and the problems with this plan as well as associated issues. We have a few laughs along the way. I think you’ll find it interesting.

For more information: Elon Musk’s recent video on his plans to colonise Mars ( watch here . )

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US Senator Bernie Sanders, The #HealthCareDebate & Universal Health Care, & #MMT

Dr Stephanie Kelton was Senator Sanders’ economic advisor during his 2016 presidential campaign, so why does Senator Sanders still promote the idea that federal taxes fund spending in relation to healthcare? That will be discussed and more in relation to this.
The question that should be asked is, what stops the US and other countries from having free health care (which is a right not a privilege)? Corporate-owned politicians.

I share my thoughts on this issue.

To find out more:

1st International Modern Money Conference 2017
Real Progressives
New Economic Perspectives

Here’s Dr. Stephanie Kelton‘s bio:

Stephanie Kelton, Ph.D. is Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She served as Chief Economist on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee (minority staff) in 2015 and then became an Economic Advisor to the Bernie 2016 presidential campaign. She was the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the top-ranked blog New Economic Perspectives and a member of the TopWonks network of the nation’s best thinkers. In 2016, POLITICO recognized her as one of the 50 people across the country who is most influencing the political debate.

Her book, The State, The Market and The Euro (2001) predicted the debt crisis in the Eurozone, and her subsequent work correctly predicted that: (1) Quantitative Easing (QE) wouldn’t lead to high inflation; (2) government deficits wouldn’t cause a spike in U.S. interest rates; (3) the S&P downgrade wouldn’t cause investors to flee Treasuries; (4) the U.S. would not experience a European-style debt crisis.

She is a regular commentator on national radio and broadcast television.

Stephanie consults with policymakers, investment banks and portfolio managers across the globe. Her research expertise is in: Federal Reserve operations, fiscal policy, social security, international finance and employment policy. Follow her on Twitter at


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