Category Archives: Progressive

Genocide in Yemen, Eyes Left, Ocasio-Cortez, Assange, Censorship of Alex Jones & more

Livestream about a mixed bag of issues: 56 Yemini school children killed a few days ago in an ongoing genocide lead by US / Saudi Arabia, Eyes left podcast, Ocasio-Cortez and MMT, Censorship of Alex Jones and what that means, Assange and Wikileaks and freedom of the press, and more


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Veganism: Speciesism, Sentience and Rights [Livestream]

In this livestream I talk about single issue campaigns. And that includes campaigns which call for an end to some forms of animal use. These campaigns are almost always linked with building ties with animal industry. I will talk about why SICs are, by their very nature, problematic, and speciesist, and at best pointless. And you might like to check out my livestream from a few weeks ago, “Humane”: What’s in a Word” before watching this livestream. I thought I would share this as a livestream, this essay, because I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss any of the points made in it. So I hope you don’t mind. I talk about rights, and about sentience, why it matters and how it is important in relation to our recognising nonhuman animals as moral persons. And when I say moral persons, I simply mean animals are not viewed as a “thing”.


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